10 September 2011

NO WAY OUT! Vol.1...last copies!

There's only a few copies left from "NO WAY OUT! Vol.1". 


13 March 2011

BLAST OFF! Festival 2011

Blast Off! Festival will be back this year for 3 more days of wonderful, way out, trashy entertainment! Coming up in Nottingham, UK on the 16th, 17th and 18th of September 2011, it will deliver 2 allnighters and 1 alldayer with 12 (or more!) groovy bands from around the World!
Top international Dee-Jays, Saucy Go-Go Dancers, a Record Fair/Rock n'Roll Jumble sale, offbeat movies and loads of fun!
To expect: 50's trash-stompin'blues-60's garage-beat-surf-pop-frat-psyche-ska-R&B-rocksteady-soul-punkrock and much much more!!!

Line-up and all other info to be announced soon at

Weekend tickets cost £48 and are already available on www.wegottickets.com and www.seetickets.com

14 February 2011


Finally it's out!!! Our brand new compilation featuring 20 of the Finest Far-Out Unknown Garage Punk Blues Surf Pop Beat Gems From ‘Round the World!
A mighty monster of a release, a real global garage rock barometer for the cream of the underground scene. Twenty bands scuffin’ up the compass from north to south and east to west - jungle punks, rockabilly runts, 60’s misfits and lo-fi’s finest - a truly international rescue package for the sick and twisted. Seven seas of garage disease await you on the other side, just dip your toe in the water and let the tide take you under.

Available in CD and Digital format from www.deadbymono.com